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About PromoRepublic

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Discover PromoRepublic - the NEXT Layer of Content Marketing! PromoRepublic is a software as a service that helps freelance marketers to create content for social networks. It's a huge pain for any content marketer to generate ideas for engaging posts every day, as well as supporting them with creative text and visuals. PromoRepublic successfully solves this issue with Сalendar of Content Ideas that provides you with a host of daily facts and other ideas to make your posts more engaging. Unlike all-in-one services such as HubSpot or Hootsuite, PromoRepublic focuses on Calendar of Content Ideas, that helps creating stunning social media posts based on holidays, trends, events and more. The startup has the smartest library of templates in the world, which caters to a broad spectrum of industries, so you are able to choose those that fit you best and see only relevant content ideas for your business. You will also see only templates that are relevant for the season, day of the week, upcoming holidays and events. PromoRepublic primary customers are American freelance marketers. PromoRepublic has launched on the US market and founders are planning to invest money in promotion. Just after the launch service got a few hundred paying customers from America. The second objective of a startup is the integration with large marketing services, such as Hootsuite, HubSpot, Buffer and other marketing platforms that are already used by millions of marketers in the United States.This way PromoRepublic are turning their competitors into partners. The main office of the startup is located in Helsinki, part of the team works in Kiev, and communication with US customers and partners goes through a virtual office in Palo Alto.

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